Benefits for Schools


Disputes with parents or within your organisation sometimes last months. They can rumble on and take up valuable time and money, when the focus should be on your pupils, their progress and well being. It is very easy to become locked into a cycle which seems to be leading the school towards extremely costly court proceedings, with no guarantee of  a positive outcome and there is a risk of reputational damage.

Mediation is an increasingly popular alternative.  While court cases are about two sides arguing from fixed points, mediation opens the opportunity to come together and communicate to find a solution. With over 90% of mediation cases resolved successfully, it is easy to see why more people are opting for this route, no matter how impossible the problem initially appears. Through mediation, it can usually be settled within a day and at a fraction of the cost of going to court.


  • is managed by a neutral third party who helps both parties find their own solution

  • is private and confidential, (both the conversations with the mediator and the contents of the mediation)

  • ensures that costs are managed, as the process is limited to one day

  • can take place with or without legal representation

  • offers an opportunity to find a positive solution, which will benefit all parties

  • often results in an on-going relationship with the other party, to the benefit of any child involved

In addition to being accredited mediators, Jo Heywood and Kathryn de Ferrer have several decades of experience as senior managers in education, working to find solutions to often seemingly intractable problems. Heading up Heywood de Ferrer Associates, they lead a team of accredited mediators who are trustworthy and experienced. Contact us now to discuss mediation further.

Brochure for Schools