When your child starts school we all want things to go perfectly, but the reality is that sometimes it doesn’t always go to plan.
There may be:
problems with individual staff
behavioural issues
mental health problems
unhappiness with their academic progress
It can be difficult to know the steps to take, the best way to approach the school or how to respond to communication from them.
You may be travelling or based internationally and unable to visit the school, which is where we step in and advocate on your behalf.
Our team is entirely comprised of former Headteachers or Deputy Headteachers who understand the way schools function, which policies should be followed and how to ensure that your children are dealt with fairly and with understanding.
If your child has been or is in danger of being temporarily or permanently excluded, contact us immediately.
Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you and your child.
This week Kathryn and Jo about what do you do if you feel playground pressure.